Sunday, September 20, 2020

Vocalization Perchance Mammal

being gone, the human art 

of the guitar inside gone quiet

a deep summertime carol fading

off some brackish beach, the poverty

of legs wrapping up a dance, bending

taking you down, just enough fade

to pluck the string of enemy death, but

before you punch the last card, sweetheart

say quintessential bridal lizard, let the combination

pour over your teeth, hear the first caveborn syllable

obliterate the prophylactic bubble 

of sound and sense, take a bow and drown

typical candle predator spurreth, metropolitan

cartoon cemetery, population cough prey

let it go, what incantations 

in a last gasp, grabbing words, pushing them

together, making an infamous tongue constellation

making a wave that floats on long after the collapse


1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a mad and splendid ambition! (Or a reframing of final incoherent babblings?) So many wonderful phrases here – apart from the italicised – expressing wonderful concepts, I can't single out particular ones; love 'em all.
