Friday, January 31, 2025


sand cascades from the cathedral
a shard of green glass taxes 
the thumb, flesh has no parallel

so close to the ocean, possibly save
the seaweed pods that pop so crunchy 

charred fences return 
to float off, these are hard days  
for soft structures

the circle surrounding the steeple
fills slavishly with foam
one must laugh theologically
watching wafting water

pull the work and treasure 
out beyond outstretched arm 

this collapse, this laborious loss
is in harmony with buoyant souls

re-forming to skim 
over the weight 
again, and again the


for Poets and Storytellers United: joy in chaos


  1. I love the hopefulness and positivity of this – which might be applied to more than the ostensible subject.

  2. I love how you've written this so you can re-read it and see the cycle of renewal. I especially love the line "these are hard days for soft structures".
