Friday, January 24, 2025


in the arterial light hullabaloo 
the veins are awake at night
scrolling like ants out past dark


the old gargoyle dampness

of intentions gives way 

to mud and smudges

the mirror into hours 

and how the brain

shrieks for pause, maybe

a heart still or silent ear 

please, mercy me 

marrow the mind


shut my eyes like lances 

poked through bone 

a stark reminder

for the need of bone

and deeper dream

barely present, I should 

pause the flare

of howling glass

touch cotton and learn 

the names of rivers over time


Poets and Storytellers United: Friday Writing brain rot


  1. I'm in awe of this vivid and alarming description of brain rot!

  2. "The brain shrieks for pause." Stop this life, I want to get off...


  3. Power imagery. It conveys a sense of the anxiety that won't be denied. Eerie and scary.
