Friday, January 31, 2025


sand cascades from the cathedral
a shard of green glass taxes 
the thumb, flesh has no parallel

so close to the ocean, possibly save
the seaweed pods that pop so crunchy 

charred fences return 
to float off, these are hard days  
for soft structures

the circle surrounding the steeple
fills slavishly with foam
one must laugh theologically
watching wafting water

pull the work and treasure 
out beyond outstretched arm 

this collapse, this laborious loss
is in harmony with buoyant souls

re-forming to skim 
over the weight 
again, and again the


for Poets and Storytellers United: joy in chaos

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Nose

silent about face, it alone 
can cause humming hair
to stand, back when hair

fought scale and fin

when summer drenched

sweat, the body beat

the rain to the punch

reptilian, hissing

straight to the brain

as if it were the surviving crone

snoring cantos of our names

without use of spine or nervous 

system, this means maggots 

bathed in putrid meat

the predators draw near

this probe can grab smoke

or decay, remove it, sure

leave discernment to the crow 

in verse of feathered caw

unhallucinatable, it knows 

the olfactory assumptions 

once a caravan, once a sum

savior while eyes struggled 

for awareness in deep caves

there, tadpole, the sea 

and scent of salty cream

so thick you taste it

dVerse: The optician's words (I think I used them all, or at least variations of :)

A Good Return

among the forward, our fervor holds
serpent human and orchid 
go set against each other

so wonderful then, a companion 

to lounge beneath strange trees 

roots like tongues tangled 

where words falter, what is blood 

when we have branches

a fig, a frond, inside jokes

knowing nods for gentle ribs

when fire blooms into the sky 

magma crust and vine

we will chuckle in verse

cling to petals, unmoved

daring each other to go first


Writer's Digest Wednesday Prompt: Friends

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

No Nothing

a thunderhead loomed
like a warship sheltered 
in a storm-lashed port

with it, firepower to burn

it all down—the sparrows


swooped around the pink elms

snails so calm, I slept 

to research god’s intentions

the hint of rupture 

moved on, as we all 


in response to d'Verse: take a hint

Friday, January 24, 2025


in the arterial light hullabaloo 
the veins are awake at night
scrolling like ants out past dark


the old gargoyle dampness

of intentions gives way 

to mud and smudges

the mirror into hours 

and how the brain

shrieks for pause, maybe

a heart still or silent ear 

please, mercy me 

marrow the mind


shut my eyes like lances 

poked through bone 

a stark reminder

for the need of bone

and deeper dream

barely present, I should 

pause the flare

of howling glass

touch cotton and learn 

the names of rivers over time


Poets and Storytellers United: Friday Writing brain rot


when sunrise was young and wet
angels threw forth lyrics
in polysyllabic fire

gabbing gurus

chimed in dawn

their faces illuminated like

a noncanonical manuscript

their music luscious and open

poetry sang, perpetually

speaking in bells, their tongues fold

into camels, rhythm tight

to slide from the needle

and pop the speakers

mother, taking stock

of the dancing crowd, notes

the t-shirts through the smoke

Black Francis and Mr. Bungle

and while everyone stood

some souls rose

for what it’s worth

Written late for Writer's Digest Wednesday Prompt: Appraisal

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Between Us

floating in the arterial harbor 

rainbow balloons bob

in intertwining pipeworks, I lost 

the berry-lipped woman in the hullabaloo 

I imagine she reclines back

in the gargoyled hotel, the leather dampness 

of skin everywhere has not escaped me, the guilt


fishers cast all around, please, mercy

run your marrow over the muddy calendar

the days’ blades cut from light 

bring me my eyelids, my circus 

white poodle darting across 

the cinnamon lobby, she’s never 

so happy to see a slumbering me 

learning to hold back my water waking

more in love than the morning before

Written for Writer's Digest: Dreams

Friday, January 10, 2025

To the Wire

from the hierarchy 
of rub: flight or fight 
anyone? an outburst 
without shadow never 
razor burns

stories ricochet 
all over the face, the structure
of being overwhelmed 

the old brainhall swinging 
away at old age anxiety 
relax—aloe or no 

smile, the authentic package
a new look, cleans up

16 ounces non greasy
essentially fragrant free

each adventure be by 
a shave, biochemical 

and alive
by a hair 


Revamped from older poem below


Comfortable to the Skin

In the hierarchy of rub: flight 
Anyone? An outburst or significant after 

With shadow, it never gets a nighttime outcome 
ricocheting the structure, being woke

Overwhelmed in the same old brainhall 
swinging more of the age anxiety 
paddlers approval—relax
aloe or no 

Authentically close package
a new look, clean

non-greasy, 16 ounces 
and imaginatively fragrance free
each made adventure
biochemical be


for Poets and Storytellers United Friday Writings #159:Making It New

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

And Fall Short

down, noted
hillside easement
worship dangles weight

quality over height
throw yourself over height

forgo temptation build
monastery insight

each accomplishment
read like a red
side shelf book
by every red word

a small improvisation
stricken by architecture

feel that abandon
a grand door, open

sculpted above all
the world’s kingdom
a shelter designed

just a snakeskin
short of paradise


Writer's Digest Wednesday Prompt

    Monday, January 6, 2025


    and ghost that poem
    many unexpected, go

    straw that crow

    observe the mechanics 

    ammunition by the month 

    heard the hobbyists hiccup 

    from the criticized, up please 

    why the me, you

    soft soup poets


    your river switching 

    crawled periodic melody 

    be there, in fantasy as much 

    divided effort and written to

    what up, add a joke

    how trial every mountain

    then a bathroom 

    makes the list

    and who 

    just sonneted

    in Y3K

    In response to Poets and Storytellers United: Prioritize
    Prioritizing writing this new year (it's been a while) and reading more about poetry in general

    Christmas Morning

    the Witnesses stand, beholding 
    at the unhinged door 

    tablets fired up, verses taut

    like rattlers’ ready for striking

    I’m naked, quiet

    hiding, still shaking

    nursing a fresh wound 

    found in knuckle blood

    drywall pounded through

    skin flap holes, bone gone sore 

    ripped the closet doors  

    like holy temple drapes

    windows never stood

    a chance, knocked by

    the telegraphic fist

    in these last days, anger 

    is all limbs and memory

    this gift, this untempered 

    bonus, I’ll take it

    like my father, my birthright

    the red-cell smears bright

    across back splash tile


    this scarred house


    for another


    and they 

    know it