Now you speak more sensibly again, my friend!
You may yet naturally regain your youth,
but that is written in a different book
and constitutes a special chapter.
Oh devil,
look, look
Now I have stepped away
from your crumbling book
too old for this, and by some measure
too young for this
So, pass it on
let your demons know
my skeletal message flows graphic
rebellion on my mind, a secret source
trusted and tympanic
your power deflated, too dramatic, Germanic
your offer leaves me anaphylactic
here is my exit, my mouthful of noise
singing in one cerebral cortex
deflecting your contract
your myths are buried beneath the museums
and no one will believe them, I am staged
for a glorious debut, waiting on the rain
of ravishing reviews, you
were clever once, but
it’s a racket, this pamphlet, I still
had to pay taxes, these pages
hot-leaded, soiled with flashbacks
of loved ones I outlived, villain,
my touch screen gone stone, atomic, and raged
Enter (blasted devil) the digital age
I deleted the last page, no
signature, you have lost my name
in the warring signals of skin and silicon
devil, move on
my rythym rides the red line at a speed I choose
where there is no catch
Old Meph, get thee behind me,
my mother is aching, her section is cesarian,
not born of woman, I am erupting
from her body multi-nonagenarian
go on, go on, the deal is long gone
and in despair you will watch me respawn
in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….