Coagulate is a beautiful word, co-
meaning together and -agulate, the eponymous
heroics once
perpetrated by Agula
under grandmother’s
yak-skin tent. Aristocracy
was a gorgeous
demand; her mouth
jellied with the
gristle of wild duck. Like this,
history’s women
create words. Hygiene from the story
of Hygienea the wise
midwife who rang the birthing cloth
with acidic fats. Confidence means “with Fidencia”
the Frankish bulwark
who stood against
the czar and folded
the edicts into insects. Pageant from
Pagean who charmed
waterfalls into rainbows. Sojourn
from the woman who
walked the Americas, praying
like the ravens in
Aztlán. Yasmin, tomorrow
we will speak you, beyazzed with blessings,
yasminified from fear incarnate.
Holy holy. I am soooooo jealous.